Coming Workshops

Cyber Security Awareness Seminar
At the Kent Chamber of Commerce – November 29, 2016 9:00 AM

It seems like every day the news carries stories of another data breach that costs businesses and individuals millions of dollars every year.  Protecting your data is just as important as protecting your business – locks on the doors, a vault, security cameras, etc.

DunnCo offers our Cyber Security Awareness Seminar free of charge to Chamber of Commerce Members and their associates.  This one and a half hour presentation is designed to equip you with the knowledge and tools you can put to work right away to provide your business and your employees with a higher level of protection against the threats that lurk in cyber space.

Five things you should do to secure your technology

·         What to do in case of a breach

·         How to guard against malware and spyware

·         How to guard against Phishing attacks

·         How to practice safer computing


Small and Medium Business IT Challenges and Successes  
At the Kent Chamber of Commerce – December 15, 2016 9:00 AM

Wherever you turn today, there’s a piece of technology staring at you.  Taken one at a time, it’s not overwhelming.  Most of us can get our smartphone sending and receiving emails.  We have no problem building a complex spreadsheet to address a business need or question.  It’s when all these machines gang up on you that you realize it’s getting harder to handle; Different models of computers, different operating systems, employees with company data on their smartphones and laptops, rising telephone costs, and the threat of your company’s data being breached or compromised.

This free one-hour workshop will discuss these challenges and how businesses like yours have met them and tamed the technology beast.


The Kent Chamber of Commerce is located at:
524 West Meeker Street #1
Kent, WA 98032